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Prime On-Line Pvt Ltd is a company providing HR Consultancy services for corporates in India. It was founded more than a decade back by ex-IITians with extensive experience and expertise gained by virtue of their varied professional roles across different industries. Over the years Prime On-Line has evolved as a trusted partner of some of the leading names in the industry .Prime On Line lends expertise in the area of HRD. The mission of the organization is to contribute to the growth and prosperity of client organizations by affordably facilitating the development of their human resources.


  1. Consortium of expertise from different professional fields.
  2. Founded in the year 1999 in Kolkata by ex-IITians.
  3. Provide leading edge Technology and Management Training to Institutes and Corporate houses.
  4. Subsequently evolved as a HR Consultancy.
  5. The four major service areas are: (a) Consulting (b) Recruitment  (c) Training and (d) E-learning.

Our Services





Our Clients

Customer Success Stories

Designing and running Assessment Centres to determine managerial potential for 1300 officers & managers across India for a Kolkata based Engineering & Construction Company.
Designing a Performance Management Handbook along lines of SOP for managers for a Kolkata based Engineering & Construction Company.
Implementing a KRA/KPI and Competency based PMS for a Kolkata based Engineering Manufacturing Company.
Designing a KRA/KPI based variable pay system for a Kolkata based Engineering Manufacturing Company.
Competency Mapping and a 360 based competency assessment for a US based software product company in the networking domain.
Competency Mapping and a 360 based competency assessment for an eCommerce company belonging to the TATA group.
360 based competency assessment for a Sponge Iron Company belonging to the TATA group.
Mapping & Assessment of Functional Competencies for managers at Hirakud for India’s largest Aluminium producer.
Conducting compensation Benchmarking for a Kolkata based software product Company.
Carrying out climate survey for a Jamshedpur based manufacturing company.
Designing custom built MDPs for a Kolkata based large construction company for their managers at the Construction sites.
Designing & Delivering a Leadership program across India for 250 store managers for a large retail company belonging to the RPG group.
Designing & delivering soft skills and sales training for a Kolkata based Financial Services company for 400 sales personnel across 16 locations in India.
Delivering Train the Trainer Training to Regional Sales Managers of a Kolkata based Financial services company.
Working as a preferred recruiter for a Kolkata based 1500 crore Engineering and Manufacturing Company and sourcing over 100 engineers within a period of 2years.
Working as a preferred recruiter for a Kolkata based 3000 crore EPC company for senior managerial level positions (upto VP level).
Working with the recruitment team of a TATA Company and refining the selection process by using Competency based interviewing technique using BEI.
Designing a battery of psychometric tests for determining suitable career tracks for Graduate Engineering trainees for a Kolkata based TATA Company
Helped a 800 people TATA to set KRAs and KPIs for their officers. This was completed in six months. The by product from this process was a goal setting manual for guiding the HODs set SMART goals at the start of every business year.
Run a recruitment campaign for engineers concurrently for staffing 18 sites for India’s most prestigious construction company.
Designed and Conducted behavioral training programs for managers, supervisors and workmen at three plant locations across India for a well-known consumer product company. The programs were named MDP,SDP and EDP and covered in excess of 400 people
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